Friday, April 26, 2024

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Sunday, April 7, 2024

Join Scott Templin’s “Madrona” calendar?


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Thursday, March 17, 2016


St P's is like a low grade Halloween where everyone gets to wear a costume of green.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sam's First The BookFace Post

It's been a while, partly because we are lazy, partly because we are busy, and partly because blogs were so 2010, but maybe this will kick start a posting revival.  Sam posted his first status update (unwittingly) to FB a couple of days ago - he loves Tap the Frog almost as much as he loves the emoji.  The comments give all the relevant details. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Team Templin

Sam is still mastering the art of getting dressed. Today he put on his shirt inside out and backwards. Grace was quick to point out he did it "all wrong." I decided to show Samuel that it's really no big deal. Grace and I proceeded to wear our shirts inside out and backwards too. How silly.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Our Little Fish

After spending over a week in Phoenix and swimming to their hearts content, it's hard to wait your turn to swim during swimming lessons back at the YMCA!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Capital Two

If you remember my post from earlier this year titled Capital One, you will know I enjoy visiting some of the same locations as 5th grade social studies field trips.  While in Denver earlier this month, we took advantage of some great weather, family assisted parking, and free public transportation to have an amazing day at the Colorado State Capital Building, the newly renovated Union Station, and a Christmas Market. 

We enjoyed the hourly tour filled with 5th grade social studies facts like when Colorado became a state (1876! - first state admitted after the Cavil War), visits to the House and Senate chambers, and a greeting by the Governor as he came back into work after lunch!  The tour culminated with a 99 step trek up to the top of the capital dome for some great views of the city and the mountains. 

Sam doesn't care so much for the views, he enjoys exploring.  
There's a family at the top of that enormous Christmas tree.  

 Denver is the Mile High city, and there are in fact 3 markers on the west steps of the capital to prove it.  The original inscription carved into the steps when the building was finished in 1909, a brass marker placed in 1969 when a revised elevation was calculated and placed 3 steps above the fist inscription, and the latest brass marker placed in 2003 when the GPS constellation of satellites was used to get the most precise elevation to date - 2 steps below the original inscription. If you look closely, all three are visible in our photo.

The downtown free bus runs from the capital to Union Station along the 16th Street Mall.  Buses run every 2-3 minutes.  We claimed the entire  rear bench seat and were treated to a show when the police motorcycles who pulled in behind us began making faces and flashing their lights when they saw the kids. 
We also stopped at a Christmas market for a photo op.

Beautifully remodeled architecture to gaze upon, delicious ice cream courtesy of Grandma and Papa for the kids, delicious local beers from the bar for the older kids, and a second giant Christmas tree.   All in all, a pretty epic day.