Thursday, March 11, 2010

So much to do - so little time.

One of the main reasons I wanted to start a blog is to keep everyone informed of the things going on in the life of the Templin household. It's hard to keep everyone abreast of what's going on, much less remember who I've told about what information. The two largest events going on in our lives right now is 1) Sarah is 27 weeks pregnant, and 2) we have just begone a complete gutting and remodel of the basement. This blog will keep you abreast of what's happening with both events, as well as all the other fun exciting things that go on in our lives.

This is how much Sarah glows at 27 weeks.

Then, there's the remodeling of the basement. After haggling with the contractor, I convinced him to let me do all the demolition work to save some money. I think part of the apprehension
I detected during this conversation was that he knew I had no idea what I was committing to. His suspicions were correct in so many ways. If I learned one thing doing the demolition work, it's that I'm glad I work with my brain for a living and not my body. If you ever do demolition work at your house - don't call me for help. Our neighbor down the street was kind enough to lend me his 5x8 trailer to haul debris to the dump. Seven loads, 6820 lbs, 4 days, and 1 dust mask later, I'm finally complete. I must admit, I had some help from the electrician who set up temporary power. Thanks Erik.

Check out all 20 of the remodeling photos so far at our Picasa page:

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