Saturday, December 11, 2010


The "recombobulation" area at the TSA security checkpoint, Milwaukee airport.

Are they saying "this is where you get un-confused after a nice frisking," or "where you get confused again"?

Tracking ourselves inflight

With free wifi, there's no end to the possibilities of things I we can look up. Only 30 min to landing.

Baby in flight

This message is coming to you fro 35k feet. That's right folks, free wifi on the airplane. We made the 5:30 am wake-up ok, made it through security ok, our one checked bag was 49.5lbs, and Grace even took a short nap after takeoff. Here's to hoping the rest of today's travels go as smoothly.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


It was with small fanfare that I had my first McRib today. That's right, in my short 30 year life, I have consciously avoided McDonalds restaurants while traveling in distant lands in hopes of finding much better local fare - while at the same time, never giving thought to ordering this limited time offer of a sandwich in the off chance I visit the golden arches while in ahurry around home. I have never had a McRib... until today. My formerly Canadian neighbor and I had a couple while watching football, and I honestly must say I'm not sure what all the hype is about. When I asked Sarah if she was interested, she said, "What's a McRib?" After meticulously explaining the concept of mystery meat formed into rib-like sandwich patties, Sarah says, "Processed meat that's pressed into the
shape of ribs? That just sounds disgusting. That makes me want to vomit."
I also did a bit of research to understand the mystique of the McRib to find out why some have gone so far as to call the McRib - America on a bun. Once again, Wikipedia comes to the rescue with suscint, voluminous information (HERE) and also the listed nutritional information from McDonalds (HERE). Trust at your own risk.

Final Verdict: It's unlikely I will ever order another McRib.

Grace Gets Chomping

Grace has started eating solid foods. Well, "eating" is a term I use loosely for now to describe us spooning food into her mouth and then her putting most of that either on her hands, her face, her cloths, or the high chair. After the prerequisite rice cereal, we have moved onto much better, more solid items such as yams, avocado, and peas & beans.

As you can clearly see, Grace is still working out the basics of eating. I see a possible future career in glass & plate eating.

Grace out of Graceland

I enjoy my job as a loadmaster so for many reasons, not the least of which is all the great places we get to visit. Just before Thanksgiving I went on a 3 day trip to Memphis. Although we work during the day, we were lucky enough to have some time at night to enjoy much of what Memphis has to offer. I took a tour of the Gibson guitar factory, we strolled up and down Beal St listening to live music, and ate some delicious BBQ. The one notable thing we skipped was a tour of home of the King himself, the iconic Graceland. On the morning of our departure, however, the bus driver took us by the gates of Graceland, and with one of the crew cell phones, he took this blurry photo.

Me enjoying a pulled pork BBQ omelet and GIANT biscuit. It was delicious.

I also found a youtube video of one of the bands we saw down on Beal St. Simply awesome. And no, the guy dancing in the video was not there they night we were there.

Team America

We have some of the best neighbors anyone could ever ask for. Sarah and I are always saying if we win the lottery (even though we don't play) we wouldn't move to a fancy neighborhood, we would just remodel like the dickens (even though we are kind of already doing that) - and the reason is because we love our neighbors so much. One household, whom we affectionately call the "Canadian Neighbors" recently had some big news, and subsequently, are now known simply as the "Canadian Neighbor." After many years of having a green card, Brad completed his interview process, naturalization test, raised his right hand, and became an American citizen. Team America just grew one team member stronger. To celebrate, they threw a huge American themed party. Everyone wore red, white, and blue, and jeans and sneakers - everyone except Sarah that is. Grace was also in attendance as an infant lady liberty - sans green robe, book, and torch - ok, she only wore a crown.
The Canadian Neighbors, Brad and Jessie.

Jessie, the lone remaining Canadian Neighbor enjoying time with Grace

During Brad's process, he would ask me many of the study questions on the naturalization test he would be required to pass before becoming a citizen. I've linked to the test questions and I challenge all of you to take the test without looking at the answers. I will admit I got many wrong - who new the first amendment granted 5 freedoms? I thought it was just three.

Thanksgiving Update

Our busy schedules have allowed us time enough to play, but not the time to relay the stories of our adventures. It's Sunday, and although I should be studying, I'm taking time to try and retrace the steps of some of the more eventful moments of the past couple of months. Look for posts on "Team America", "Operation Toque", "Grace out of Graceland", and "Grace Gets Chomping."

While waiting, enjoy our photos from Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

Hope everyone has a fun-filled, calorie-packed, safe holiday with blessed friends and family!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ready for Denver

We will be traveling to Denver tomorrow for a t-day visit. Grace's first airplane ride - we are a little nervous. Also, Denver is a bit colder than Tacoma... for that we are prepared.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Grace Is On A Roll

Okay....she officially rolls over. It may only be to her left, and only from her stomach, but she's doing it lots! She's also started chewing on her feet as of this week. Scott and I find it so enjoyable to watch. I know, I know, enjoy the immobility as much as possible now because we'll need baby gates all over the house before we know it. Sleeping is still an issue. Grace is actually screaming as I'm writing this as we are working on her getting herself back to sleep again. She's had a little cold, her first one at that, but it seems to have completely thrown her for a loop and she's somehow forgotten how to go to sleep without a fight. I'm just glad the books guide you through this process, letting your baby 'cry-it-out' has to be the hardest thing ever.

Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone had a fun Halloween! Grace had a blast carving a pumpkin with her dad as pictured. The usual Halloween parties took a year off so there was no dressing up in the Templin household. Everyone kept asking what Grace was going to be, but let's be honest, dressing her up would be for our pure benefit and laughs, not Grace's. She's already starting her bedtime routine by the time the first trick-or-treaters came to the door. But we are already brainstorming great costume ideas for next year when Grace is a bit older to enjoy it.

Grace Gets Baptized

Grace was baptized at St. Leo's Catholic Church on October 17th, alongside her Godparents Sonia and Justin Buckmaster (my sister and brother in law.) We were very blessed to have many friends and family present to celebrate the special occasion. Some time ago I thought it would be a great idea to make something special out of my mother's wedding dress, one that her mother made for her. Once we decided on a date for Grace's baptism I knew a christening gown would be the perfect project. My mother took the scissors to her dress that has been packed away for over 35 years and used the fabric to make the bonnet and the bodice of the gown. The outfit turned out beautiful and Grace looked like a little doll! Thanks to everyone for making the event so memorable for us.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Family Treasures

Grace has been blessed with many gifts in the first four months of her life. From clothes and toys to blankets and books. One particular cherished item came in the mail soon after she was born. The package contained a beautiful handmade quilt and a letter explaining its origin. Before Scott was born, his Mimi (Grandma) made two quilts, one for a boy and one for a girl. He of course got use out of the boy quilt while the girl quilt got packed away. It was kept for 30 years until a girl came along to enjoy it. Grace is now grabbing at objects and she loves to lay on this blanket and touch the raised bonnets and arms on the quilted girls.
The next picture is of Grace in a little white dress that has now been worn by three generations. Scott's mother first wore it when she was three to four months old. It was kept for years to come, only to be brought out for pictures when Scott's only female cousin was born the same year Scott was. Now it's Grace's turn to wear this beautiful and delicate dress. The yellow blanket has also been used in the pictures of each girl wearing it. We can't wait to put together a series of the three photos showing each generation.
Grace is changing so quickly. She's putting everything you stick in front of her into her mouth, including her clothes. She's also babbling loudly and we joke she talks as much as her dad. Scott and I often sit in the nursery and giggle as we listen to her babble at herself while in the crib. Next week Grace gets baptized, so stay tuned for pictures from that event.

For more pictures of Grace and the family treasures:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Frizzy Do!

Grace has definitely inherited my frizzy hair, at least it seems so for now. It's color has lightened a bit and I swear I see more red in it everyday. She had her 4 month appointment today and weighed in at 13 lbs 12 oz.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sunset view

A while back we posted a short video about how one of the houses behind us cut down the trees in their yard subsequently revealing an amazing view of the Olympic Mountains. Tonight we viewed an amazing sunset from our deck and thought we should share.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Welcome Mack!

Grace's reaction when she heard she was no longer the youngest Templin. Congratulations to Jeff and Terri on the birth of their baby boy, Mack!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kirby Visit

Sou meets Grace for the first time!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Family Dinner

Grace joins Grandma and Grandpa and Scott for a home made Philly cheesesteak dinner.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Do it in the Rain

Living in the Pacific Northwest provides it's own unique challenges to daily life. Fall has come and with it the return of the (in)famous cloudy skies and drizzle. As one might expect, it rains here a lot, but less than you might think. Seattle/Tacoma do not even get close to the top ten list of most rain in the contiguous US, but we do win the battle of most days with rain per year. (LINK to some stats) There are rarely thunderstorms, it just barely rains enough all the time to keep everything grey and wet. This is why most people think we get so much rain. Perception is reality.
A common question I get from friends is, "If it rains all the time, how do you get things done?" A question I often asked myself when I first moved here. The simple realization is this: Plan to do everything in the rain. If it doesn't rain, well that's a bonus. This leads us to the photo... if you want to go running, join a gym to run on a treadmill (which I hate) or enjoy a nice refreshing sprinkle as you run in the rain. If you do this regularly, it does require several pairs of shoes on a rotating drying schedule, but other than that, until the temperature drops into the low 40's I'm pretty OK with it. Porter is attached to me via a leash belt which I believe Sarah got me for x-mas a while back. It's really great as I can stay hands free and Porter pulls me up and down hills. One might think that with the pulling force of the dog, I would run faster, but after stopping all those times for him to use the bathroom, I think he actually slows me down.
Porter has been helping me train for a 50K run in October. He's run as much as 14 miles with me on training runs. Other than when he wants to stop to sniff stuff, which is almost every 100 yards, he is incredible at keeping a constant pace throughout the run. As I get tired and want to slow down, Porter reminds me that we need to keep the pace up to his minimum effort trot speed. I think Porter is part sled dog, and I've been greatfull for his company on many a long training run.

For information on the 50K in October - try HERE

For the reasons why I shouldn't have told you my goal about running a 50K go HERE - Let's just say psychology is so cool! ...and don't ask me about the run until AFTER the event.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Concert

We bought some hearing protection for Grace when we thought about going to the McChord Air Show. Did't go to the air show but we are getting some use out of them now at Grace's first concert. David Grey, concert in the park at Marymoor.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tummy Time

Grace is starting to enjoy time on her belly more now that we learned to prop her up on a pillow. She gets less frustrated that way. Here she just babbles at herself in the mirror, it's hilarious. Thanks to Jeff and Terri for such a wonderful gift!
This is also a great shot of her evolving mullet. As Scott says, "business in the front, party in the back!"

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bumbo II

Still ridin' the wave of excitement.

Grace gets Cookin'

Just put Grace on the Bumbo chair for the first time. I think she likes it. No, I didn't put her on the stove to keep her warm.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Cookie lunch

Sarah makes cookies, Scott eats them for lunch with milk. Just the milk for Grace.

Wonderland Trail II

I recently reviewed my post last Tuesday of my trip on the Wonderland trail and realized it was a bit sparse on information so I decided I needed to add some more. Fist, I'll give you our route, and daily mileage. We started in the NE corner of the park, and circled the mountain anti-clockwise.

Start Point: Sunrise Trailhead
Night 1: Carbon River 15.5 miles
Night 2: S Mowich River 9.9 miles
Night 3: N Puyallup River 11.8 miles
Night 4: S Puyallup River 6.5 miles
Night 5: Cougar Rock 12.9 miles
Night 6: Nickel Creek 12.7 miles
Night 7: Summerland 10.9 miles
End Point: Sunrise Trailhead 9.8 miles

Although none of the days includes an astronomical number of miles, it was really the vertical profile that truly determined the strain we would all go though to complete the day's miles. The national park service has a .pdf document with the entire profile for download available HERE - however, I've included a small screen shot (very small now that I've got it uploaded) to give you an idea of what our days were like. Most days had both ups and downs, but day 7 was almost entirely UP - for about 7 hours.

I also wanted to include a Google Earth file you can download to explore the trail interactively. It even has the ability to overlay the USGS Topographic maps if you like. This really allows you to get the true feel of the trail. Download the .kmz file HERE.

Finally, I decided to upload the video Gabe made on my computer with about 15 minutes of editing. It's mostly B-roll footage of things he decided just needed to be filmed with video instead of still. Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tree Trimmers

The house behind us recently sold, and the new owner was concerned with some of the old trees beginning to lean toward the house. Over the past couple of days, tree trimmers have worked tirelessly to cut down the 75ft plus trees. I took some photos yesterday and after seeing them in sequence, realized it was almost like viewing a time-laps video... and so I put them together into a short video. Our view of the Olympic mountains has significantly improved. I'll post a photo at sunset when we get a good one.

Grace Finds Her Thumb

We found Grace already has the gift of improvisation - no pacifier...use thumb. Although the thumb sucking is a great thing for now ( demonstrates continued development as well as the ability to "self sooth" to help her fall asleep on her own ) I'm uncertain of the long term implications for a baby to start sucking it's thumb so early...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Flower Girl

The dahlias on our back deck are Sarah's favorite flower and I think quickly becoming Grace's too.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Grace finds her foot...

Grace spent about 10 minutes looking at and grabbing her right foot. Developmental milestone? I think so!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wonderland Trail

What can I say but AWESOME!! After 8 days of hiking around thebase of Mt Rainier, circling the iconic WA volcano, I am back with hundreds of photos to share. Fortunately for you, I only uploaded just over 200.

In case you have no clue what the Wonderland Trail entails...the basics. It's 93 miles, with 22,000 ft of elevation gain and loss - that's about 2.5 times the amount of elevation gain of a simple summit of the 14,411 ft tall mountain (for those thinking the math is off, base camp is at 6,000 ft). Also, when averaging elevation over the course of the trail, it works out to just under 500 ft/mile up or down, ALL THE TIME. That's a 9% grade, ALL THE TIME. The highways have extra passing lanes and runaway truck ramps when the grade gets to 6%. It is estimated by the Park Service that only 200-250 people complete the entire trail each year. I'd like to talk more about my experience than just the facts so, for more facts Wikipedia, Wonderland Trail article to the rescue.

I was fortunate enough to be joined on my hike by two good friends. Bryan Kirby, the best man at my wedding, flew all the way from Orlando to enjoy the journey. Bryan and I attempted the trail last year before he moved from Portland back home, but we were thwarted by record high temperatures and overloaded packs (thanks to not caching food at strategic locations) which lead to some of the worst bug conditions the mountain had seen in years, and overheated hikers like us, ultimately forcing us to pull off the trail after 63 miles in 4 days.
This time we were better prepared, and the weather gods smiled upon us granting us only mildly warm sun for all but two days, and cool overcast clouds on the days we were hiking into the high alpine regions. Although he hasn't posted anything on his blog yet, I'm sure he will soon. Bryan's blog HERE.
Gabe Nagmay was my other hiking partner. Gabe rode the train from Portland the day prior to our departure to join us with our adventure. Gabe's penchant for getting into mischief and his great eye for photography were welcome additions to a duo that spends 15 minutes every morning slathering sun screen on before breakfast. As you can see in the photo to the left, Bryan looks on disapprovingly as Gabe decides if he should jump the rapid instead of using the bridge.
Gabe also kept a journal of the events of the trip. His photos have been interlaced with mine on my Picasa Photo page, but his blog has all his originals, along with panoramic shots stitched together, and some other edits from his photo files. Gabe will be adding his journal entries as he types them over the next few days. Keep up to date with our daily lives by reading his entries... HERE.

Throughout our trip we were constantly surrounded by a cornucopia of wildflowers. There were more varieties than I cared to count, and the alpine meadows were so beautiful with the blooms, they seemingly overshadowed the towering mountain in the background. We were also fortunate enough to see several bears, two deer, and many a friendly small varmint varying from mice, to chipmunks, to pikas,
to marmots.
We constantly were asking each other what
our favorite point of the day/hike/trail was.
Our ultimate conclusion was that to pick one single item was a devil's dilemma - there were simply too many amazing views, places, and experiences to narrow the field to even 10. The hike was an amazing experience that I will not soon forget.

The only thing I will admit to is that by day 2 I wanted to quit the trail and go home - I was missing Grace something awful. Being away from her was quite possibly the hardest part of the trip. This does bring up one of the more interesting things we saw on the trail, a family of 6 with children ages 3, 5, 7, and 9 hiking the trail for the second year in a row. Grandpa joined them this year. We also fund out they put their experience from last year on YouTube. If you ever thought you couldn't do something because you have kids... think again and use this family as an inspiration. Their YouTube videos start HERE.

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Family Reunion

Scott is back home after 8 days hiking the Wonderland Trail around the base of Mt. Rainier. According to his friends, he complained how much he missed Grace every night. I think Grace missed Dad too.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Grandpa Hesseltine keeps Grace entertained with her new rattle that Grandma picked out. She can't take her eyes off it. Can't wait until she can grab it and shake it herself.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hat's All In the Family

Grandpa and Grace hide their quaff similarly.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Photo of the Day II - Grandparents Hesseltine come to town.

Photo of the Day I - Out for a Stroll

First time out in the BOB. Hard to believe with the baby wrapped like that, the high yesterday was near 90 degrees.