Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Milk Drunk

Grace has entered a phase where she is the pure definition of a wiggle worm. It's hard to give here a hug for more than a millisecond before she's squirming to go do something else, experience something new and different. This of course can be hard for parents who just want to hug, cuddle, and love on their child. The only time of the day when Grace will sit still long enough to allow for some quality one-on-one time is during the first bottle of the day. Grace is so ravenously hungry after her 10 hours of overnight sleep that she can focus on little else but gulping down her pre-breakfast bottle. As you can see in the photo, Sarah takes advantage of these precious few minutes to have a calm and relaxing interaction with her daughter - the last relaxing one she'll get for the day. It's also quite apparent that Sarah is in a similar state of mind at this time of the morning. I like to call it Sleep Drunk.

The pediatrician said we should have Grace weened off the bottle completely by the time she is 18 months. Unless we find another way to get some quality calm time, that might be one of the most difficult challenges to date.

The inspiration for this blog comes from the birth of Grace's first cousin, just a mere five days ago. We welcome Jack Allan Buckmaster to the world. Enjoy the story of his arrival, and how he gets mild drunk at the Buckmaster blog Four Bucks.


  1. Babies sleep 10hours a night? This is going to be easier then I thought!

  2. ... well, let me know how that turns out for you with Ronin. Good luck.
