Friday, December 2, 2011

Utensils: No Problem

 Here's to my 3rd post in one day. Nothing like getting caught up on things I've been trying to do for weeks. I love my husband and our time together, but every once in awhile I cherish the time when he is out of town and I can be overly productive. Scott is in Denver, eating dinner with my family as we speak. He's there for the weekend meeting up with several buddies for a bachelor's party, and once again, gets to spend quality time with my family while I'm at home. I won't complain too much, Grace and I are getting some quality time together, and this pregnancy thing is getting a bit too tough to fly. Six more weeks until my due date and counting.

Tonight Grace and I had some veggie pizza and finished off with some fruit, kiwi's to be exact, one of Grace's favorite foods. We are working on the use of utensils, and like most other new things, she's a pretty quick learner. Not too messy and pretty efficient. Every day I think to myself "she's getting so big and so much more independent."

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