Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My Burly Boy

I bought three 8 oz bottles when I was pregnant with Grace thinking she would eventually grow older and  drink more in one feeding and we'd get plenty of use out of them.  Once we retired the bottles, I could probably count on one hand the number of times I used the larger sized bottles with her. She just never ate that much all at once. She's my little peanut.
Then Sam came along. What I thought was normal, is all being turned upside down. This kid never cries (mind you, my definition of crying is screaming which Grace did plenty of), he sleeps through the night 9-11 hours (which Grace first did consistently around her first birthday), and he drinks 7-8 oz in one sitting. Those big bottles are nearly half his size. I don't know where he puts it.
This past week he had his 4 month check up, measuring 23 and 3/4" tall and weighing in at 14lb 3oz putting him at the 50% mark. If his eating habits mean anything, we'll be moving up in the ranks rather quickly. From the suggestion of our pediatrician we plan on starting solid foods a little early with rice cereal within the next couple of weeks. In the end, it's just more for me to squeeze and love.

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