Saturday, February 26, 2011

Flying High

If there is one thing that Scott loves more than his job with the Air Force Reserves, it's talking about his job in the Air Force Reserves. He'll take any opportunity to show anyone the C-17 if they show any kind of interest (yeah...all you gotta do is ask.) So when I was watching our two neighbor boys earlier this week, Scott came up with the idea to have me bring all the kids on base so he could show them the airplane. At first when I surprised them with the news when they came to the door that morning they seemed a bit disinterested. Mind you, they think Scott is the coolest guy to walk the Earth, so I was first surprised by the reaction, but I suppose typical from 7 and 10 year old boys. However, once we entered the flight line on base they perked up and became wide eyed. Soon after stepping onto the plane one of the boys asked Scott where the guns were. "What is it good for?" was his response when Scott said it didn't have any guns. The maintenance guys on the plane got a kick out of that question. Scott spent the next hour and a half showing how they carry tanks, cars, helicopters, supplies, and letting the boy sit in the pilot seats with all the controls. They loved it, as did Grace. Her proud daddy sure enjoyed having her on the plane for the first time.

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