Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow Shock

I've lived here going on 13 years now and there is still a shock factor when I see snow fall in Western Washington. Yesterday was a mix of snow and sunshine, so much so it felt like I was back in my home town of Denver. We are expected to see more snow in the coming days. Scott sure loves it. The second we woke up this morning he jumped out of bed, threw on his long underwear and snow gear and headed outside to play (and shovel...yes, there was even enough to shovel!) I think Punxsutawney Phil's prediction this year is going to be dead wrong.


  1. Shoveling snow is fun as long as it's a novelty. Having to do it only once every 5 years makes it a novelty.

    Punxsutawney Phil's prediction for 2011:

  2. We got less then an inch here in PDX... BOOOOO!

    Also, you need a matching polar bear hoodie.
