Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snowmageddon 2012

Yesterday, I posted a video of Grace and I sledding down the hill just 1/2 a block from our house.  I wrote the blog post quickly and with limited production value.  I also apparently didn't check my facts before calling it "Snowzilla."  Apparently, the locals call it "Snowmageddon"; my bad.

Schools were closed and most people didn't go to work.  We, of course, slept in under the covers and kept warm - that is, until it was time to have some FUN!  Although the streets were mostly empty of cars driving  somewhere, they were filled with people out walking, skiing, snowshoeing, tromping, and generally enjoying the delightful eight inches of powder that had fallen overnight and that morning.  After shoveling the driveway (in case we did need to drive somewhere) and the sidewalk (the mailman still had to work) I got Sarah's help in prepping Grace to venture outside.

Since Grace didn't have long under ware, we just had her keep on her footie pajamas and dressed her warmly over top of them.  

Bundled and ready.  Porter reminds us to no eat the yellow snow.

This test ride on the disk lasted all of 30 seconds.  Grace much preferred being in my arms.  

We visited with neighbors and, of course, headed over to the 43rd St hill.  There was a constant flow of parents, children, and teenagers riding various sledding devices down the hill.  It was the most people I've seen in our neighborhood since the 4th of July.

As I already published the video of Grace and I riding down the hill, I thought I would treat you with a video of Jessie, the camerawoman of that video, giving us a POV shot going down the hill herself.  Porter greatly enjoyed all activities and plays a supporting role.  Enjoy

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