Friday, April 20, 2012

Pedialyte...A Girls's Best Friend

The stomach flu has stricken our poor girl. I received a call Monday morning at work that Grace had thrown up not once but three times at daycare. She's still stricken from it and it's now day number 5. At first she showed no signs of illness except for the occasional, no-warning episodes of vomiting. But now that a mild fever has set in, she clearly doesn't feel good. The poor girl just wants to lay around and watch her "shows." As much as I try to limit her TV viewing to a bare minimum, I'm not gonna fight that battle right now.

Now that we are on our fifth load of laundry, Grace's time downstairs is limited since Mommy really doesn't want to have to clean vomit out of the couch or carpet. My solution, a makeshift bed in the living room on her changing pad, complete with an iPad viewing station. Scott has had some mild symptoms and threw up once the other day, and as I write this, my stomach is starting to churn a little. Sure hope this is as bad as it gets. We are all washing our hands diligently and hoping Samuel stays healthy.

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