Monday, January 10, 2011


Both Sarah and I had to work this weekend so Grace spent most of her time with some friends of ours, Meagan and Seth. Thier son J.J. is 3 months older than Grace. (Check out their blog HERE) When they initially asked us if it was ok for them to take Grace snowshoeing up on Mt Rainier, there was a lot of hesitation from both of us. Ultimately, we couldn't come up with a good reason for them not to go. Grace had plenty of warm clothes, they would have plenty of food for her to eat, diapers to change, and all the other things you need when you leave the house with 2 babies. It seemed like a lot of work that Sarah and I were obviously just aprehensive about undertaking. But if Meagan and Seth wanted do it all, we were going to let them. The report back was simply, "Well, we don't think snowshoeing is Grace's favorite thing in the world." You can't tell by the photos. Apparently the one with her smiling is the "only split second she smiled the whole time."

Maybe I'll take Grace with me on a hike of the Wonderland Trail when she's about 2....


  1. You should bring her up Mt Olympus this summer!

  2. She has to complete her belay and aressting certification first.
