Thursday, August 23, 2012

First tooth spotting

Sam has been running a fever the past couple days, been more sleepy, and had a super nasty nose full of snot. We've been treating it as the usual cold and I kept him home from daycare today. I was using yet another tissue on his nose this afternoon when I figured I'd stick my finger in his mouth to check for signs of teething. What do ya know...he's cut one of his bottom front teeth. He's almost 8 months old and got his first tooth almost 8 months before Grace got hers. I'm betting he'll crawl and walk much sooner as well.

Feel better soon Samuel!


  1. How different things can be from one child to the next, I suppose! Hopefully Sam is feeling better! Love him very much!

  2. I hope he walks a little sooner than Grace too...
