Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Big Girl Bed

At Grace's second year check-up at the doctor's office her pediatrician asked Scott, "Are you still keeping her in her cage?" Apparently our doctor's view on how long you keep your toddler in a crib did not jive with all that I'd read in the parenting books. Go figure. We were planning on transitioning her out when she started climbing out and didn't see the rush otherwise. Well, as Sam is getting older, and in real need of getting out of the bassinet as he hits his arms on the side railings, all we needed was a little extra push. So yesterday Scott set up the hand-me-down toddler bed that has been eagerly waiting for use in the garage. Grace came home from daycare and was quite excited about the prospect of sleeping in her new bed. She climbed right in with a big smile. Come night time, she didn't stay in it however and we reverted back to the crib after a few attempts. This may take awhile to instill. Anyone have some good suggestions on making this transition easier so we can get Samuel into the crib? Grace did actually suggest that "Samuel sleep in my old bed" when I first put her down last night. I think she's excited about having a "roomie."

 The new arrangement

 Grace checking out the new bed for the first time

"I'm a big girl!"

1 comment:

  1. Scott - You're nothing if not prepared. Do you have a car tucked away in the garage for when she turns 16?

    Grace is adorable and WOW, she's getting big.
