Sunday, July 29, 2012

Proud as S*!#

Attention everyone!  Grace has pooped, NOT in her diaper, but as you can clearly see, in the mini-Elmo potty.  This, quite simply, makes me proud as s*!#.  The mere concept of having one child in diapers again makes me proud for two curcial reasons:

1) Spend less money!.  As any parent knows, diapers cost money, and you go though a bunch of them each day/week/month.  With two kids, it seems like I'm making a diaper run to Costco for the "Mega Apocalypse Pack" at least once a fortnight.  If it's the "Mega Apocalypse Pack," shouldn't it last more than 2 weeks?

2) Less work!  Now, you  might focus on the fact, if Grace is potty trained (which, let's not kid ourselves here - she's not - but she's clearly demonstrated that she can be) then this means less work for her parents changing diapers as Grace becomes more independent.  And that, INDEPENDENCE, is the real gold mine.  Independence: it's what we as Americans fought for 235+ years ago, and it's what every parent hopes their children will achieve.  Because we really just want a few minutes alone together to remember why we loved each other enough to have kids in the first place!  Is that too much?  Just the simple idea that we are one step closer to a day where there are no more butt pastes and creams, no more wipes, no more diapers (disposable or cloth), and no more diaper bag stuffed to the gills with all this stuff, brings a tear to my eye.

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