Thursday, April 11, 2013

Daddies Do It Different

Every couple of weeks or so, Sarah or I (usually Sarah) get about 20 new books from the library.  This week she brought home one that has made both of us laugh, Daddies do it Different, by Alan Sitomer.  I think the author has been peeping in our windows the past few months.  I won't spoil the end for you, but I will say he forgot to mention one thing in the story - photo editing.  

In the age of digital photography and cell phone cameras, taking a photo costs nothing.  The price comes when you have to comb through those hundreds of shutter cycles and pick "the best ones," because really, nobody needs 30 photos of Sam feeding a goat.  For us, trying to parse the pack of photos down to just a peck is like trying to have both sides of a coin show at the same time.  Even before the editing starts, simply selecting the photos to keep can be a source of great contention.  See example below:  

Photos of Grace's new haircut, the photo Sarah ultimately posted on FB:

The photos I rescued from the trash bin after Sarah went to bed:

There are literally hundreds examples of this type of photo dumping/recovery - on both sides. 

This Tuesday when I brought Grace home from swimming class, Sarah tried to show me how to style Grace's hair so it has that cute curl-under at the bottom.  The whole time I was trying to listen, but in my head I kept hearing this voice, "Daddies do it different!"


  1. Isn't that the damn truth! I have to get that book now.

  2. Well, it's all the truth, but I have a feeling you are specifically referring to the last sentence. And, yes, you do need to get the book (and yes, it is the damn truth!).
