Saturday, April 6, 2013

Groupon Steal

So, it's no secret I love Groupon. I've scaled back how much I actually buy, but I'm always looking for a good deal. This week: half off a year membership at the Children's Museum in Tacoma! Best part is we get to go an hour before it opens to the public which is awesome. By 11 am the place is usually packed. So now we can get a good 2 hours of play time and not have to worry about taking turns and getting run over by the big kids as much.

The Tacoma Art Museum has an Eric Carle exhibit that opens April 8th, and it appears the Children's Museum has also adopted the Eric Carle theme. As you enter there is a copy of Carle's book, "10 Little Rubber Ducks" and you soon find yourself surrounded by rubber ducks as well as ducks in several forms. 

Grace and Samuel have taken quite a liking to the building blocks and tiles. Grace has figured out how to make 3 dimensional shapes which is pretty great to watch.

Samuel is starting to actively play and is finding quite a bit of enjoyment exploring all that there is to do.

Check out the toilet paper stuck to Samuels shoe after our trip to the bathroom. Oops. Didn't notice that until I got him into the car. Haha.

We are gonna get our money's worth from this deal!!! We love it here!

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